Azu's req box <3

Welcome to Azu's req box!

Feel free to request doodles from yours truly, please keep it limited to fandoms I know (which you can check on my carrd)→

*Please note I might not be able to get to everything, either because I didn't have the time, it wasn't in my skillset or I just had a hard time drawing your request! Please don't take it to heart, I'll try to get to everyone in time but I have no guarantees ;;;

Also! I will not draw HEAVY gore or full blown nsfw (light gore and suggestive jokes are okay), mostly because some of my mutuals are minors and/or uncomfortable with it! Just keep it all reasonable!

Level of completion will also be up to me, could be a quick sketch, could be a full piece, who knows? That's the fun part!

Or doodle sth yourself <3 I'd love to see what you make!!

Azu's req box <3